5 Tips to Avoid Distracted Drivers on Their Phones

5 Tips to Avoid Distracted Drivers on Their Phones

Jul 30, 2020 | Tips & Tricks

Distracted drivers are one of the leading causes of automobile accidents, especially drivers distracted by their phones.

Unfortunately, many people continue to use their phones when driving despite the risks, dramatically increasing the risk of an accident as they’re too distracted to react appropriately. The biggest problem with these distracted drivers is that you can’t always see them until it’s too late.

Being a responsible motorist means that you’re focusing on the road, which means you may not spot another driver on their phone. That’s why we’ve created these tips to help you avoid distracted drivers on their phones. Continue reading to learn more!


1. Keep an Eye Out for Drivers Using Their Phones

This tip requires close attention to detail to do safely. You can’t overly focus on other drivers, or you’ll be just as distracted as a phone user. Use your mirrors to keep an eye out for other drivers only when it’s safe to do so.

Typically, you can do this roughly every 30 to 60 seconds when you’re on a busy road as it gives you the best chance to catch someone on their phone and take reasonable precautions. Remember to keep your eyes continually moving and stay aware of your surroundings!


2. Maintain a Safe Distance From Other Vehicles

This tip works for any type of reckless driver, distracted by a phone or not. Keeping a safe distance from a clearly distracted driver will substantially lower the chances of becoming involved in an accident.

For example, if you keep a couple of extra car lengths between you and the driver in question, you’ll have a lot more time to react if they make a mistake. A good idea is to envision a circle around your car and keep other vehicles out of that circle to maintain a safe distance.

Remember, no matter how responsible a driver you are, there could always be someone using their phone behind or in front of you.


3. Stay Out of the Way of Distracted Drivers

If you’re utilizing our first tip and you’ve spotted a distracted driver using their phone, you should immediately employ this tip. You’ll need to be patient and understand that, at this moment, you can’t change the fact that this driver is being unsafe.

You’ll need to slow down, speed up, or combine the two to stay out of their way. Don’t let road rage take over here and simply keep yourself out of the way of their vehicle to avoid any kind of accident.


4. Comply with the Speed Limit

This is a simple tip that you should be doing regardless of distracted drivers. Keep an eye on your speed, and don’t go over the limit. This includes our last tip of staying out of the distracted driver’s way.

Complying with the speed limit will ensure that you have plenty of time to react appropriately to any situation that arises from a distracted driver, whether it’s getting out of their way or pulling over entirely. Not to mention, you’ll have more control over your car if something catastrophic happens.


5. Avoid Driving Tired or Angry

As we’ve discussed, the biggest problem with distracted drivers is identifying them. Noticing another driver using them is only going to be harder if you’re driving while tired. Moreover, your chances of being involved in an accident are higher if you’re driving tired regardless of other drivers.

Driving angry will only exacerbate the situation further as well. You may not react correctly to the distracted driver and wind up becoming distracted yourself if you’re mad. Stay calm, stay alert, and if you find yourself getting tired or angry, pull over when it’s safe and take a break.


Finishing Up

Unfortunately, not everyone takes driving safely as seriously as they should. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to be in an accident due to these distracted drivers. By utilizing the tips we covered, including keeping an eye out for distracted drivers, maintaining a safe distance from other cars, staying out of the way of distracted drivers, complying with the speed limit, and avoiding driving tired or angry, you can stay safe on the road!